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Category Archives: Aerospace and Defense Engineering Training

Aerospace and Defense Engineering Training

Aerospace & Defense Engineering Training courses by ENO are combinations of science and engineering practices and concepts that are required to create civil, commercial and military aircraft and spacecraft. Generally speaking, “defense” means equipment, support, and communication systems covering the land warfare, as well as the surface warships and submarines. ENO intends to cover all...
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Military Standard 810G Training (MIL-STD-810G)

Military Standard 810G Training (MIL-STD-810G):

Military Standard 810G Training (MIL-STD-810G) Course with Hands-on Exercises (Online, Onsite, and Classroom Live) This four-day Military Standard 810G Training (MIL-STD-810G) class will provide education on the purpose of each test, the equipment required to perform each test, and the methodology to correctly apply the specified test environments. Vibration and...
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