Advanced DO-178C Training Workshop
Advanced DO-178C Training Workshop Course – Hands-on
Advanced DO-178 training workshop intends to cover all the aspects of DO-178C guideline, as well as its supplementary standards. You will be introduced to the philosophy, rationale, and history behind DO-178C and will learn about the methods and techniques required to develop and implement it in your organization. Advanced DO-178C training workshop covers the main notions behind DO-178B/C avionics certification. It also reviews the differences between DO-178B and DO-178C.
TCA DO-178C / EUROCAE ED-12C is an upgraded version of the DO-178B/ED-12B standard that controls the software for avionics systems in commercial airplanes. This recent revision demonstrates rather small modifications to the “core” guidance, but generated four important new documents:
» RTCA DO-330 / EUROCAE ED-215: Software Tool Qualification Considerations
» RTCA DO-331 / EUROCAE ED-218: Model-Based Development and Verification
» RTCA DO-332 / EUROCAE ED-217: Object-Oriented Technology and Related Techniques
» RTCA DO-333 / EUROCAE ED-216: Formal Methods
From DO-178B to DO-178C
Revising DO-178B started in late 2004 with the supports of a cooperative committee – RTCA Special Committee #205 (SC-205) and EUROCAE Working Group #71 (WG-71). This revision tried to accomplish the following objectives:
» Fixing mistakes and elucidate confusing content in DO-178B
» Facilitating software technologies and standards being applied since the publication of DO-178B
» Considering the additional material that support DO-178B, containing Certification Authorities Software Team (CAST) papers and Issues Papers (IPs)
While the intent was to change the type of the document from being process-based to product-based, the agreement decision was to limit the modifications only to the necessary ones, and to make the new version less difficult than the DO-178B. To that end, the modifications to the “core guidance” are rather small. Advanced DO-178C training workshop will discuss these modifications and help your organization to migrate from DO-178B to the most recent version, i.e., DO-178C. Advanced DO-178C training workshop is mainly dedicated to practical activities, including labs, group class activities, and hands-on workshops. Even though our course agenda is intended to be comprehensive and covers all the required material, we are flexible to adjust it based on the needs of your organization.
Duration: 4 days
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Customize It:
» If you are familiar with some aspects of Advanced DO-178C Training, we can omit or shorten their discussion.
» We can adjust the emphasis placed on the various topics or build the Advanced DO-178C Training course around the mix of technologies of interest to you (including technologies other than those included in this outline).
» If your background is nontechnical, we can exclude the more technical topics, include the topics that may be of special interest to you (e.g., as a manager or policy-maker), and present the Advanced DO-178C Training course in manner understandable to lay audiences.
Audience / Target Group:
The target audience for this Advanced DO-178C Training course:
• Software engineers
• Project managers
• Systems engineers
• Software quality engineers
• Test engineers
• Quality and process assurance personnel
Upon completing this Advanced DO-178C Training course, learners will be able to meet these objectives:
• Understand all the parts of DO-178C
• Articulate the differences of DO-178B and DO-178C
• Discuss the background and evolution path of DO-178C
• Understand the DO-178C software life cycle model
• Explain the constituent processes of DO-178C
• Discuss the usual pitfalls and problems associated with DO-178C
• Apply the required methods to develop and implement DO-178C
• Use the best practices suitable for their organization
• Conduct process planning
• Elaborate environment considerations
• Discuss the requirements and architecture
• Perform the software verification process
• Determine considerations (memory usage, Worst Case Execution Time, language semantics, etc.)
• Understand and implement the DO-178C supplements
• Apply tool qualification
Advanced DO-178C Training – Course Syllabus:
Overview of DO-178C
DO-178C description
DO-178C definitions
DO-178C applications
DO-178C vs DO-178B
DO-178C terminology
DO-178C background
DO-178C objectives and goals
DO-178C strategies
DO-178C best practices
Part number and nomenclature
DO-178C team members and signature authority
Organizational roles
DO-178C acronyms
Applicable documents
Overview of Aviation Systems
System functions assigned to mechanical hardware
System functions assigned to electrical hardware and software
System failure circumstances
High-level hardware functions and the latent failure points
Security and partitioning
Overview of DO-178C Software
Architectural block diagram
Processor #1
–Situations and styles
Processor #2
–Situations and styles
Determining COTS software
–Real-time functioning
–Board support bundle
Disabled code
–USB code
–RS-232 code
–Ethernet code
–Boot load code
Safety monitoring
Resource distribution
Fault acceptance threshold
Task scheduling
DO-178C Certification Concerns
Fundamentals of DO-178C
Means to stay consistent with the certification
Issue papers
Certification Review Items (CRI)
Software Development Assurance Levels (DALs)
Demonstrating DAL
Most critical failure conditions
–Command DAL and worst case failure condition
–Monitor DAL and worst case failure condition
–Video processor DAL and worst case failure condition
Identifying the software level
DO-178C objectives by DALs
Conformity measure matrices
DO-178C software compliance objectives
DO-178C Software Lifecycle Process
Developing the V-Model
Developing several DAL’s inside a particular lifecycle process
Processes and actions relationships
Various correlation among processes
Lifecycle flow diagram
–Hardware and software aspects
Developing software incremental lifecycle flow diagram
How to provide effective feedback
–How to give feedback on the system and safety process
–How to give feedback to the development and integral processes
Traceability of analyses and the assessment results
–Transition planning
–Peer planning
Methods of reporting problem
Software planning development
–Software planning development objectives
–Software planning development inputs
–Software planning development outputs
–Software planning development activities
–Technical boundaries
–Software planning development tool usage
–Software planning development transactional requirements
Software integral processes
–Verification process
–Configuration management
–Quality assurance
–Certification liaison
Software requirements process
Software design development
–Software design development objectives
–Software design development inputs
–Software design development outputs
–Software design development activities
–Technical boundaries
–Software design development tool usage
–Software design development transactional requirements
Software coding development
–Software coding development objectives
–Software coding development inputs
–Software coding development outputs
–Software coding development activities
–Technical boundaries
–Software coding development tool usage
–Software coding development transactional requirements
Software integration development
–Software integration development objectives
–Software integration development inputs
–Software integration development outputs
–Software integration development activities
–Technical boundaries
–Software integration development tool usage
–Software integration development transactional requirements
Software testing development
–Software testing development objectives
–Software testing development inputs
–Software testing development outputs
–Software testing development activities
–Technical boundaries
–Software testing development tool usage
–Software testing development transactional requirements
DO-178C Data Lifecycle
Lifecycle data vs other data describing the system
Trace data
The lifecycle info to be generated and regulated
The lifecycle info to other info describing the system
The lifecycle info to be presented to the authority
Software governor classifications
The Lifecycle info DER delegation plan
Additional Deliberations
Prior established software
Tool qualification
Unconventional methods
Product service background
Field applicable software
Preference selectable software
User alterable software
Various versions of software
COTS software
Software supplier determination
Deviations and alteration to plans
DO-178C Software Levels
Level A: Catastrophic
Level B: Hazardous
Level C: Major
Level D: Minor
Level E: No effect
Software Planning Process
Establishing software plans
Defining the software lifecycle environment
Language and compiler deliberations
Establishing software guidelines
Review and assurance software planning development
Verification Process Development
High-level requirements verification
Low-Level requirements verification
Software structure verification
Source code verification
Integration process outputs verification
Hardware/software incorporation verification
Software integration verification
Low-level verification testing
Requirements-oriented verification test coverage
Architectural coverage evaluation
Test cases, protocols and outputs verification
Software development process traceability
Software verification process traceability
Verification of parameter data
Configuration Management Process (CMP)
Configuration determination
Baselines and traceability
Reporting the issues, tracking them, and developing corrective action plans
Change management
Change evaluation
Configuration status accounting
Archive, recovery and statement
Data control classification
Software load control
DO-178C Supplements Standards
DO-330: Software Tool Qualification Considerations
DO-331: Model-Based Development and Verification
DO-332: Object-Oriented Technology and Related Techniques
DO-333: Formal Methods
DO-330 Software Tool Qualification Considerations
Criteria 1
–A tool, the output of which belongs to the airborne software and so could introduce an error
–Corresponding to development tool
Criteria 2
–A tool that mechanizes verification process and so could fail to detect an error
–Corresponding to verification tool
Criteria 3
–A tool that could fail to detect an error
–Corresponding to verification tool
Tool Qualification Levels (TQLs) and related software level matrix
DO-331 Model-Based Development & Verification Supplement
Models applications
Specification Models including high-level requirements
Design Models containing architecture and low-level requirements
Planning phase
Software model standards
Model coverage evaluation
Usage of model simulation
Model coverage criteria to determine unintended functionality
DO-332 Object-Oriented Technology (OOT)
Planning phase
Verification activities
Vulnerability analysis
OOT concerns and recommended solutions
DO-333 Formal Methods Supplement
Mathematical based
Clear software systems requirements definition
Detailed interaction between engineers
Verification documentation
Advanced DO-178C Training Workshop
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