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EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities Training

EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities Training

EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities Training:

EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities Training Course with Hands-on Exercises (Online, Onsite, and Classroom Live)

Systems EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) involves the control of EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) at the systems, facility, and platform levels (e.g. outside the box.) This two-day EMI/EMC in Systems & Facilities Training course provides a comprehensive treatment of EMI/EMC problems in electronic systems. These include industrial controls, semiconductor tools, medical systems, test systems, and more.

The emphasis is on prevention through good EMI/EMC design techniques – grounding, shielding, cable management, and power interface design. Please note – this EMI/EMC in Systems & Facilities Training class does NOT address circuit board issues. Also, military designers may prefer our class on EMI/EMC in Military Systems. Each student will receive a copy of the EDN Magazine Designer’s Guide to EMC by Daryl Gerke and William Kimmel, along with a complete set of lecture notes.

What’s Included?
  • 3 days of EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities Training with an expert instructor
  • EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities Electronic Course Guide
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
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Customize It:
  • We can adapt this EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities Training course to your group’s background and work requirements at little to no added cost.
  • If you are familiar with some aspects of this EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities course, we can omit or shorten their discussion.
  • We can adjust the emphasis placed on the various topics or build the EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities course around the mix of technologies of interest to you (including technologies other than those included in this outline).
  • If your background is nontechnical, we can exclude the more technical topics, include the topics that may be of special interest to you (e.g., as a manager or policy-maker), and present the EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities course in a manner understandable to lay audiences.
Audience/Target Group:

The target audience for this EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities course:

  • This seminar is directed at personnel who are wrestling with interference/noise problems in electronic systems. The following could benefit from this class:
  • Electronics design engineers and technicians
  • Systems engineers/integrators
  • Test engineers and technicians
  • Technical managers and supervisors
  • NO prior EMC experience is necessary or assumed.

Upon completing this EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities course, learners will be able to meet these objectives:

  • How to identify, prevent, and fix common EMI/EMC problems in electronic systems
  • Simple models and “rules of thumb” to help you arrive at quick design decisions (NO heavy math).
  • Design impact (by requirement) of various systems EMC specifications
  • Good EMI/EMC systems design practices
Course Syllabus:
  1. Introduction – Interference sources, paths, and receptors. Identifying key EMI threats – power disturbances, radio frequency interference, electrostatic discharge, self-compatibility. Key EMI concepts – Frequency and impedance, Frequency and time, Frequency and dimensions. Unintentional antennas related to dimensions.
  2. Grounding – A Safety Interface. Grounds defined. Ground loops and single-point grounds. Multipoint grounds and hybrid grounds. Ground bond corrosion. Lightning-induced ground bounce. Ground currents through chassis. Unsafe grounding practice.
  3. Power – An Energy Interface. Types of power disturbances. Common impedance coupling in the shared ground and voltage supply. Transient protection. EMI power line filters. Isolation transformers. Regulators and UPS. Power harmonics and magnetic fields.
  4. Cables and Connectors – A Signal Interface. Cable coupling paths. Cable shield grounding and termination. Cable shield materials. Cable and connector ferrites. Cable crosstalk. Classify cables and connectors.
  5. Shielding – An Electromagnetic Field Interface. Shielding principles. Shielding failures. Shielding materials. EMI gaskets for seams. Handling large openings. Cable terminations and penetrations.
  6. Systems Solutions – Power disturbances. Radio frequency interference. Electrostatic discharge. Electromagnetic emissions. Includes brief design checklists

Wrap-up – EMI/EMC in Systems and Facilities Training

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