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LTE SON Training | Self Optimizing Networks | Self-Organizing Networks Training

LTE SON Training | Self Optimizing Networks | Self-Organizing Networks Training


LTE SON Training | Self Optimizing Networks | Self-Organizing Networks Training Course by Example

LTE SON Training | Self Optimizing Networks | Self-Organizing Networks Training course covers all aspects of a SON-enabled system including technologies, planning, design, architecture, operation and maintenance. LTE SON Training | Self Optimizing Networks | Self-Organizing Networks Training introduces self-optimization, self-configuration and self-healing of LTE and LTE-Advanced Networks.

Learn about LTE SON drivers, requirements, challenges, enabling technologies, architectures, trends, core network, and end-to-end operational for a SON-enabled LTE system and beyond.

LTE SON Training | Self Optimizing Networks | Self-Organizing Networks TrainingRelated Courses

LTE SON Training | Self Optimizing Networks | Self-Organizing Networks Training


Duration: 2-3 days


After completing this course, attendees will be able to:

◾LTE and LTE-Advanced network architecture
◾SON framework, use cases and architectures
◾Automated (plug & play) connectivity setup
◾SON operation in both the Evolved Packet Core (EPC)
◾SON operation in Multi-RAT operational scenarios
◾Self-planning/configuration, self-deployment and fault management
◾3GPP Management Reference Model
◾Coverage and Capacity Optimization (CCO)
◾Mobility Load Balancing (MLB)
◾Mobility Robustness Optimization (MRO)
◾Inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC)
◾Minimization of Drive Tests (MTD)
◾SON in Evolved Packet Core (EPC)
◾SON evolution to Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN)

Course Outlines:

Introduction to SON
◾LTE and LTE-Advanced principles
◾LTE and LTE-Advanced management architecture, radio access scenarios
◾Self Organizing Optimizing (SON) Networks
◾Concepts behind SON
◾SON History and Challenges
◾SON Vision
◾SON Architectures
◾Operational challenges for SON
◾SON architecture types
◾Centralized, distributed and hybrid
◾Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) in the context of SON
◾LTE SON concept and foundations
◾SON Frameworks
◾LTE/EPC and SON Introduction
◾Self Optimizing Networks (SON) in the LTE system
◾SON framework, use cases and architectures
◾SON domains and SON operation in LTE radio network
◾Self-Configuration, Self-Optimization and Self-Healing
◾SON operation in both the Evolved Packet Core (EPC)
◾SON operation in Multi-RAT operational scenarios
◾SON use cases

Concepts behind Self-Configuration
◾Self-planning/configuration, self-deployment and fault management
◾Auto-connectivity and commissioning
◾Automated (plug & play) connectivity setup
◾eNB including X2/S1 interface setup
◾Neighbor and cell ID configuration
◾Self-Optimization works during the normal operation of the network
◾Handover/RACH parameters
◾Adjusting the RAN configuration
◾Dynamic radio configuration

Concepts behind Self-Optimization
◾Network performance
◾Automated network failure detection and recovery
◾Mobility Robustness Optimization
◾Mobility Load balancing
◾Energy Savings
◾LTE Capacity and Coverage Optimization
◾RACH Optimization

Concepts behind Self-Healing
◾Cell degradation detection, diagnosis and recovery
◾Cell outage compensation
◾SON for core networks

SON Operations and Maintenance
◾SON Operation
◾SON business values
◾Future SON

Advanced SON Topics
◾3GPP Management Reference Model
◾Auto-connectivity (including X2 and S1 setup)
◾Automated configuration of Physical Cell Identity (PCI)
◾Automatic Neighbor Relation function (ANR)
◾Relay Node auto-connectivity
◾LTE Self-Optimization
◾Coverage and Capacity Optimization (CCO)
◾Mobility Load Balancing (MLB)
◾Mobility Robustness Optimization (MRO)
◾Inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC)
◾Minimization of Drive Tests (MTD)
◾Coordination of SON functions
◾LTE Self-Healing
◾Automatic network failure detection, diagnostics and recovering
◾Cell degradation detection and improvement
◾Cell outage compensation / mitigation
◾SON in Evolved Packet Core (EPC)
◾Frequency planning
◾LTE – PCI planning
◾Spectrum management
◾Antenna settings optimization
◾Neighbor list management)
◾SON evolution to Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN)

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