Microgrid Training Overview:
Microgrid training – Hands-on
This Microgrid training Overview course will teach you the history behind distributed generation and the concept of microgrids. By taking this Microgrid training Overview course, you will understand the microgrid concept, different approaches to control microgrids, microgrid operation modes, protection of microgrids against faults, benefits of microgrids in power systems, and microgrid different functionalities.
ENO is a leader in the teaching industry with professional instructors from academia and industry is pleased to announce the microgrid training for electrical engineers and all other individuals working on microgrid and renewable energy-related projects. By taking microgrid training by ENO, you will be able to understand the main components of a microgrid, main operating modes for microgrids regardless of connection to the grid or islanded mode operation, tackle the operating problems of microgrids, and direct to the right solution if there is any fault. Learn about microgrid forecasting, demand forecasting, wind and PV generation forecasting, heat demand forecasting, forecasting of energy prices, or evaluation of uncertainties on microgrid prediction.
Our instructors will help you to understand local controllers in microgrids. You will be able to understand the active power controllers, voltage regulators, control of microgrids with multiple inverters, strategy for master-slave control, and secondary controllers. Learn about microgrid protection topics, current protection, feeder protection in presence of DERs, microgrid protection in case of faults on grid or microgrid, islanded mode protection, and fault current limitation in microgrids.
The audience of the microgrid training course will also be able to understand these topics:
- Market Models of Microgrids
- Microgrid Control Architecture
- Communication Technology in Microgrids
- Energy Markets
- Hierarchical Control of microgrids
- Microgrid Operators
- Multi-Agent System Theory
- Centralized and Decentralized Microgrid Control
- Coordination Algorithms for Microgrid Control
- Game Theory Algorithms for Microgrids
- Microgrid State Estimation
- Demand Forecasting
- Master-Slave Control in Microgrids
- Microgrid Local Controllers
- Tertiary Controllers
- Ancillary Services in Microgrids
- Voltage Droop Control
- Stability of Microgrids in Islanded Mode
- Islanded Mode Fault Analysis
- Communication Architecture for Adaptive Protection of Microgrid
- Coordinated Voltage Support
- Coordinated Frequency Control
- Black Start Capability of Microgrids
- Microgrid Benefits
- Sensitivity of Economic Benefits of Microgrids
What’s Included?
- Microgrid Training Overview – https://www.wiley.com/
- Microgrid Training Overview – https://www.packtpub.com/
- Microgrid Training Overview – https://store.logicaloperations.com/
- Microgrid Training Overview – https://us.artechhouse.com/
- Microgrid Training Overview – https://www.amazon.com/
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Customize It:
- If you are familiar with some aspects of Microgrid Training, we can omit or shorten their discussion.
- We can adjust the emphasis placed on the various topics or build the Microgrid Training course around the mix of technologies of interest to you (including technologies other than those included in this outline).
- If your background is nontechnical, we can exclude the more technical topics, include the topics that may be of special interest to you (e.g., as a manager or policy-maker), and present the Microgrid Training course in a manner understandable to lay audiences.
Audience / Target Group:
The target audience for this Microgrid training course is defined here:
- All individuals who need to understand the microgrid concept
- Power utility engineers working in microgrid and renewable energy industry
- Test engineers starting a career in renewable energies
- Power traders to develop microgrid based projects
- Independent system operator personnel working with microgrids
- Electric utility personnel who recently started career involved with advanced power electronic devices.
- Technicians, operators, and maintenance personnel who are or will be working at microgrid based companies.
- Faculty members from academic institutes who want to teach the microgrid course.
- Investors and contractors who plan to make investments in microgrid industry.
- Managers, accountants, and executives of electric power system industry.
Upon completing this Microgrid training course, learners will be able to meet these objectives:
- Understand the concept of microgrids, benefits and countermeasures related to microgrids
- Explain different control methodologies applied to microgrids
- Understand the microgrid control architecture
- Implement different control methodologies to microgrids and tackle the related issues
- Describe microgrid forecasting, wind forecasting, PV and demand forecasting studies in microgrids
- Apply voltage regulator or active power control to microgrid controller
- Understand the difference between tertiary and secondary controllers in microgrid
- Tackle the protection issues related to microgrid faults, or over current events
- Describe the idea behind coordinated voltage control in microgrids
- Learn about real-world projects in microgrid applications
- Simulate and model the microgrid with proper control implementation
Microgrid Training – Course Syllabus:
Microgrid Concept
- Introduction
- Microgrid as a Tool to Integrate Distributed Generation (DG)
- What is a Microgrid?
- What is Not a Microgrid?
- Microgrids and Power Plants
- Operation and Control of Microgrids
- Controllable Elements in Microgrid
- Operation Strategies of Microgrids
- Market Models of Microgrids
- Internal Markets and Business Models for Microgrids
- External Markets and Regulatory Settings for Microgrids
- Microgrid Application
Microgrid Control
- Introduction to Microgrid Control
- Control Functions in Microgrids
- Communication Technology and Information in Microgrids
- Microgrid Control Architecture
- Microgrid Operators
- Hierarchical Control of Microgrid
- Centralized and Decentralized Control
- Economic Operation
- Participation in Energy Markets
- Mathematical Formulation of Economic Operation
- Solution of Economic Operation
- Multi-agent System Theory
- Agent Communications and Development
- Agent Communication Language
- Agent Ontology and Data Modeling
- Coordination Algorithms for Microgrid Control
- Game Theory and Market Based Algorithms
- Stability and Advanced Architecture
- Microgrid State Estimation
Microgrid Forecasting
- Forecasting in Microgrids
- Demand Forecasting
- Wind and PV Generation Forecasting
- Heat Demand Forecasting
- Electricity Prices Forecasting
- Evaluation of Uncertainties on Predictions
- Electricity Price Forecasting
Intelligent Controllers in Microgrids
- Introduction to Local Controllers
- Active Power Control
- Voltage Regulations
- Control Strategies for Multiple Inverters
- Master Slave Control Scheme
- Multi-Master Control Scheme
- Droop Control Implementation in Voltage Source Converters
- Ancillary Services
- Secondary Control Loops
- Tertiary Controllers
- Implications of Line Parameters on Frequency and Voltage Droop Concepts
- Power Transmission in Low Voltage Grid
- Indirect Operation of Droops
- Innovative Local Controllers
- Stability in Islanded Mode
- Stability in Grid Connected Mode
Microgrid Protection
- Distribution System Protection
- Over-Current Distribution Feeder Protection
- Over-Current Distribution Feeder Protection and DERs
- Grid Connected Mode with External Faults
- Grid Connected Mode with Fault on Microgrid Side
- Grid Connected Mode with Fault at the End-Customer Side
- Islanded Mode with Fault in Microgrid
- Islanded Mode with Fault in Customer Side
- Adaptive Protection in Microgrids
- Pre-calculated Setting Based Protection
- Grid Connected Mode Protection with no DER
- Grid Connected Mode Protection with DER Connected
- Adaptive Protection Based on Real-Time Calculated Settings
- Communication Architecture for Adaptive Protection
- Fault Current Limitation in Microgrids
Multi-Microgrid Operation
- Multi-Microgrid Control and Management
- Coordinated Voltage/VAR Support
- Mathematical Formulation
- Microgrid Steady-State Equivalents
- Development Tools
- Coordinated Frequency control
- Hierarchical Control Overviews
- Hierarchical Control Details
- Emergency Functions- Black Start
- Restoration Guidelines
- Sample Restoration Procedure
- Dynamic Equivalents
- Application of Dynamic Equivalence Based Approaches to Microgrids
- The Microgrid System Definition
Microgrid Projects in Operation
- Microgrid Projects in Europe
- Field Test in Greece Microgrid
- Germany Microgrid Project
- Islanded Operation and Smart Storage in Netherland
- Microgrid Projects in USA
- Japanese Microgrid Projects
- Microgrid Projects in China
- Off-Grid Microgrid in Chile
Benefits of Microgrid Operation
- Potential Microgrid Benefits
- Economic Benefits of Microgrids
- Technical and Environmental Benefits of Microgrids
- Benefit Qualification Study
- Quantification of Microgrid Benefits under Standard Test Condition
- Balancing and Energy Standard Tests
- Social Aspects of Microgrid Deployment
- Impact of External Market Prices and Pricing Policies
- Sensitivity of Energy Balancing in Response to External Market Prices
- Sensitivity of Economic Benefits
- Impact of Microgrid Operation Strategy
Wrap-up – Microgrid Training
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