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Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control Training

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control Training

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control Training:

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control Training Course with Hands-on Exercises (Onsite, Online, and Classroom Live)

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control Training presents both fundamental concepts and practical implementation of guidance laws for unmanned aerial vehicles. The guidance law design is considered from the point of view of control theory, i.e., as the design of controls guiding unmanned aerial vehicles to targets (real targets for missiles and dummy targets – waypoints – for UAVs). Guidance laws design is considered as the design of controls.

A detailed description of a class of guidance laws obtained based on the Lyapunov approach is presented. The analytical expressions of the guidance law are given for the generalized planar and three-dimensional engagement models with axial and lateral controlled acceleration. The Lyapunov-Bellman approach is used to justify the choice of some guidance law parameters. The generalized guidance problem applicable to UAVs is considered.

Guidance of UAVs, which practical application in various areas continues to grow, is considered. The guidance laws applied to a wide class of problems with UAVs are developed. The computational algorithms realizing these laws are tested in three applications – surveillance problems, the refueling problem, and the motion control of a swarm of UAVs.

  • 3 Days of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control Training from an Authorized Instructor
  • Official Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control Electronic Courseware
  • Certificate of Completion
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed4
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  • We can adapt this Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control course to your group’s background and work requirements at little to no added cost.
  • If you are familiar with some aspects of this Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control course, we can omit or shorten their discussion.
  • We can adjust the emphasis placed on the various topics or build the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control course around the mix of technologies of interest to you (including technologies other than those included in this outline).
  • If your background is nontechnical, we can exclude the more technical topics, include the topics that may be of special interest to you (e.g., as a manager or policy-maker), and present the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control course in a manner understandable to lay audiences.
Audience/Target Group:

The target audience for this training course:

  • ALL

Upon completing this training course, learners will be able to meet these objectives:

  • About various types of UAVs and related problems
  • Where the most promising international research is being performed
  • Guidance laws for various UAV applications. Theoretical aspects and computational algorithms
  • Examples of guidance laws for various UAV problems accompanied with simulation results
Course Syllabus:

Introduction Various types of UAVs. The most important UAV parameters. Current research efforts

Basics of Guidance Guidance Process. Terminology. Necessary functions are required to guide an unmanned aerial vehicle. Rendezvous. Conditional rendezvous. Missile guidance. Guidance of cruise missiles and UAVs. Representation of motion. Longitudinal and lateral motions

Control of Lateral Motion Parallel Navigation Proportional Navigation. Augmented Proportional Navigation. Planar engagement. Three-dimensional engagement. Proportional Navigation as a control problem. Augmented Proportional Navigation as a control problem

Control of Longitudinal and Lateral Motion Guidance correction controls. Lyapunov approach to control law design. Lyapunov-Bellman approach. Optimal guidance parameters. Generalized guidance laws. Modifies generalized guidance laws. Examples

Guidance of Missiles Analysis of widely used guidance laws. A class of laws implementing Parallel Navigation. Neoclassical guidance. Pseudo-classical guidance.

Guidance of UAVs Basic guidance laws and vision-based navigation. Generalized guidance laws for UAVs. Obstacle Avoidance Algorithms. Waypoint guidance problem. Rendezvous guidance problem. Conditional rendezvous guidance problem. Guidance of a Swarm of UAVs. Examples of guidance laws for various UAV applications accompanied with simulation results.

Integrated Design Integrated guidance and control model. Synthesis of control laws. Integration and decomposition

Concluding Remarks The future trend in developing the new generation of UAVs and related problems

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance and Control Training Course Wrap-Up

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